Books 2016 – on sale today – The Girl in the Glass Tower by Elizabeth Fremantle

2 June 2016 – The Girl in the Glass Tower by Elizabeth Fremantle

(c) Michael Joseph

(c) Michael Joseph

‘Arbella Stuart is trapped behind the towering glass windows of Hardwick Hall. Kept cloistered from a world that is full of dangers for someone with royal blood. Half the country wish to see her on the throne and many others for her death, which would leave the way clear for her cousin James, the Scottish King

Arbella longs to be free from her cold-hearted grandmother; to love who she wants, to wear a man’s trousers and ride her beloved horse, Dorcas. But if she ever wishes to break free she must learn to navigate the treacherous game of power, or end up dead.’


Further details – Elizabeth Fremantle

Further details – Penguin

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