Anniversary of triple wedding at Durham House

Today is the 461st Anniversary of the triple wedding at Durham House. In ‘Elizabeth Fremantle’s ‘Sisters of Treason’, Katherine Grey remembers her wedding…

‘I was married in this spot exactly,’ I say to Jane Dormer.

From the instant I walked into Durham House on the Strand, my mind was flooded with memories of the day, six years ago, that I was wed alongside my sister Jane, and Katherine Dudley too, all of us in borrowed dresses, so hastily had it been organized.

…The chapel smells sweet, the incense seems to have got into the very stones, and I have a vision of my sister murmuring out her vows in a cloud of perfumed smoke, Guildford Dudley taking her right hand and she snatching it back, pressing it up against her left in prayer, eyes firmly shut.’ (p184-185, Sisters of Treason) (c) Penguin

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